One of My Fav Movie, "Begin Again"

Well, hello you all. I hope you guys get very very wonderful feeling in this festive season. Have you got idea to spend the New Years’ Eve tonite? If you haven’t gotten it specifically, let me recommend you watching a lovely movie, a lovely movie that you can sing all night long afterwards. Oke, ladies and gent here it is. I recommend you watching ‘Begin Again’.

I happened to find this movie by borrowing from my housemate randomly. I don’t have any expectation when movie starting to run since I watched while having my dinner. Slowly but very sure the scene starting stole my heart. My mind said, OMG this is such a good movie. In the end, I finished watching it in a happy mood.

After I had watched it I googled ‘Begin Again’ and found that it was 2013 movie. It seems not play in mainstream Indonesian cinema because I don’t remember that tittle in 2013 calendar of movie. In IMDB the movie scored 7, 5 of 10. A good score for drama I think. Even though I am so late for ‘Begin Again’ I am very happy to find and manage to enjoy the movie very much.

I understand speaking about the goodness of movie is a personal thing and tend to be subjective depend on the feeling, experience and other personal thing of viewer. I personally said the movie is good when fulfilling these criteria; cool acting of the cast, unpredictable plot, simple yet not cheesy story, beautiful cinematography, and have a good soundtrack as bonus! Nah, ‘Begin Again’ have it all.

I love the Sountrack
I simply fall in love with all of the soundtrack which is happened to be main part of the whole movie. As I borrow my friend’s term, they are kinda #eargasm. How could you not love the soundtrack when you feel you see your life story every time seeing the lirics and listen to that song?? Hmmmfh I feel bit emotionally here.

Well what I want to say is that the soundtrack provides you the song for any emotional condition, for example when you are very happy because of you just fall in love with someone (A Higher Place), You feel nothing without your love (No One Else Like You), You fell so broken heart (A Step You Can’t Take Break), You are getting up after broken time (Like A Fool), motivate you yourself (Coming Up Roses) and many more. All above is just my interpretation of the records.

There is one song that it is too difficult for me to interpret clearly, it is ‘Lost Star’, but I like the melody tho. Not all the music in the album of Begin Again's sountrack is my preference, in my opinion, one called “Intimidated By You’ is out of theme among the playlist. However overall the music on the album are very very beautiful.

These are some scenes i found on internet. I love the way they play music instruments.

It sounds so hyperbolic when I say this movie make my end 2014 become wonderful. But it is what I feel now. At least I have play list to accompany me tonite on old and new eve.

I am closing this post by adding a quote found on internet also i consider very related to the movie and its story

warm regards and happy new year!


What Hits in 2015?

Nowadays world is flat and not enough wide apparently. People are connected easily and unconsciously by technology. People are getting the same too. It is easy now to categorize people based on her interest. That interest is getting the same too. Here I am talking about the mainstream things interest peopled at present. They are travel, food, art, etc. Observing some people around me and those whom I follow on Instagram and blog, I am about to predict what is going to be hit next year. Woaw am I trying to be kinda magazine editor? Lol, at least here, on my blog.

Here they are..


People like to go travelling (to the beach). It is just because they are following the influencer who are happened to show off their vacation activities by posting the beautiful scenery, fun poses, and some pics related to the vacation; passport, plane, hotel, brunch, and so on. Thus, we-the follower-tend to have those fun things too. It is kind of happiness and proud when managing posting photos on social media and getting likes and comments. Is that you, rite? So, the trend going vacation is still on track just like 2014. Additional prediction is that beach is still becoming more favorite spot than mountain (for mainstream-ers).

I see this photography device is getting more and more popular. The unique and cool picture of the Gopro makes many people wish to have it. Yess, i do too. I personally admire how GoPro’s technology can result picture which is not only beautiful but also very detail and has very unique angle. Those who like traveling and being active on social media (especially Instagram) surely make this device become their wish lists.

Do you realize there are now more TV shows about cooking than last year? Interestingly some national television have the show which hosted by male. I think it is indeed a strategy to respond the escalation of viewers of that kinda show. Meanwhile there are also many blogs review about foods and blog focus on simple yet beautiful and (looks) yummy recipe. Based on the condition, the curiosity to make a pretty dish similar with on TV people try to cook. And of course the food will be on Instagram to gain likes and comments. The captions around like these "hmm,,salmon steak made by me” “looks messy but yummy”.

It is a picture based social media. We know that. Instagram is way less popular than any others like path and twitter two years ago. People who is active on path and twitter but has no IG account start creating one. Meanwhile those who has one but don’t use it so far are about to activate it by posting and follow the popular account.
I notice some corporation start using Instagram also as a medium to inform their activities or info besides both twitter and facebook fan page. Instagram is chosen due to the main based with is beautiful picture. So, you have one, don’t you?

Facebook and Blog
Say welcome back to facebook. I am pretty sure most of you has at least one facebook account. Then you have already left it so far because you find more interesting soc-med; path (rite?) Nah, now you are getting bored with path and also bit disappointed due to the privacy policy, you then happened to check out your facebook and fall in love again to that account. Nevertheless, here you become the wise user of facebook by deleting some account you consider as a spam maker.

It happen also with blog. As I remember blog became very popular in 2004, 2005. The trend courage me to create one though. But slowly blog disappeared and was left by his users who moved to ‘twitter’ which considered as blog in mini version. I noticed well how some blog users disfigured blog then adore twitter very much at the time. (Aah… the sentence seems become emotionally) Well, I just say that blog is kinda ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ next year. It is caused influencers use blog as medium to be exist and we as follower tend to be like them. Isn’t, it?
Talking about blog itself, there will be trendy ‘vlog’ (video blog) also even it is not so much popular as original blog in 2015. Vlog will be hitter in 2016 I guess.

Traditional Fabric
Youth is more creative nowadays yet they usually are easily influenced by their sweethearts. During this year those sweethearts often seen wear traditional fabric in any occasion. The fabric is not only batik but also any kind of Indonesian heritage’s fabric, form Sumatera, Nusa Tenggara. Interestingly they keep their goodlokingness in traditional fabric and even look more gorgeous!

There will be more hits in 2015 definitely. Above is a ‘humble’ prediction by the way. Do not take it too serious, yess… But I hope can make sequel of this in order to complete the article. It can be ‘What should we say good bye in 2014’. Hehehe.

Warm regards,

Who knows you will be one very famous next year. If it happens hopefully it is because of the positive vibe of yours.


Going Vacation with Mr. Ted

"The creative adult is child who is survived"
Ursula K Leon.

When did for the last time you played with dolls? For people in late 20, hmm yess that’s me by the way. It has been for so long time from the last time used dolls as a partner to play. Wait! I can read your mind. Let me highlight this topic, dolls here is something kiddos really love, kinda doraemon, pooh, barbie or something. You name it ya.. so it is not in your naughty mind.

Well back to the question above. Do you remember when the last time you play that dolls? I myself do not remember but for sure I admit it I have ever had one (rabbit) when I was child.

Oh oke that Is enough for the intro. This post will let you know that last Sunday Groot went to Ancol’s beach. The interesting part is we brought somebody adorable to get along with. Ladies and gent let me introduce you. Mr. Ted!

Bit really weird actually to go, have a chat, laugh, and even dinner with whom is not alive. I have ever laughed at my friend of his craziness interacting with Mr. Ted. But, I don’t know why, to be honest, I enjoyed the moment we had with Mr. Ted very much yesterday. I can’t describe the experience very well here, let the pics tells…

My best friend and I felt Mr. Ted was really alive yesterday. We really talked to him and treated him carefully for we didn’t want something bad threatened his safety.

I understand Mr. Ted is not expressive one. His gesture and mimic is too innocent but I am sure he enjoyed the moment we had. That was a first experience for him going outdoor because his daddy seems so overprotected so far that Mr. Ted was just stay at home night and day.

Ted was so curios during the fun day. He wanted to find out everything he met even it could not safe sometimes. He flirted some girls, tried selfie, used vending machine and jumped!!

He was upset when we had to back home as he had not managed to do this and that. However, he forgot his disappoinment when we let him choose favorites dishes in diner. Look at him when had to decide what’s going to eat..

Oke, that’s it, that’s all my story going vacation with Mr. Ted. That was totally fun anyway. And I eventually I have to say that my bestfried (The daddy) evidently ain’t crazy when he usually has a deep conversation with Mr. Ted. Because from that moment I belive Ted is alive!

Mr. Ted with overprotected Daddy

Warm regards,


2014 Resolution (review)

My first post on this December. My 29th December! Ah still young by the way. Young yet mature and experienced!

We are all advised to make resolutions by the end of this month so that we have guidance to live the next year life! So did I last year, some resolutions were written and kept on my hand phone’s note safely. And now is review time. Let me take a deep breath then to see the result. Fyuh.. It is so not proud to find out mine is reached only 30% of the lists. Ah what a shame!

Wise is when we do not give any judgment before knowing well the root of cause of problem, rite? So, let me review again, get flashback what happened since January until now to find out why my super cool resolutions become unreachable. Sigh.

About traveling
I planned to go to east Indonesia such as Lombok or Labuan Bajo. Well, what happened then? I cheated! I went to Bali, I went to Karimunjawa, I went to Pulau Payung (thousand island, Jakarta), I went to Jogja and any other local destination. I do believe when I sum up all my spending above I can go to the main place I planned.
Meanwhile these are my 'cheating' trip:

I also wished for going abroad, could be Thailand or Vietnam. In this case I realize this bit challenging in budget however, I was not too disappointed for my kind company sent me to Singapore handling job for 4 days! Such an experience. I love for that.

Career (and self) development
I wish for a new job. I wish for becoming at least assistant manager or working around NGO. Hmm, yeah I am sad realizing this is not happened but at least I learned that I would get nothing if I leaved early from present company. Surprisingly, I love this company in the end. I learn many things especially related to manufactures system for example; health safety management, and 5S management. What a meaningful knowledge, rite? Here I also trusted to run some new projects. So, once again God always knows better for me.
Oh ya, i wish to be on air again. I haven’t meet the chances yet. There was one honestly but it didn’t suit to my condition. Talking about my voice was on air is not really fail actually because my voice has ever been recorded for some #nocorruption campaign on Kanal KPK (KPK’s radio station) and it was on air!

New Skill
Well, I planned to learn two skills, they are driving car and free diving. I know I am too lazy to learn especially the driving one. I have the opportunity but I don’t use it wisely. Blame to me! And swear to me that I will regret it sooner and later. What a lazy boy I am!
But to be honest I know I have my other skill which is growing unconsciously. It is cooking. I feel that I am getting better and better in cooking some dishes. Now I am collecting many variant herbs and spice. I bought book recipe, I watch cooking show, I read cooking and recipe blog, and of course finally I post food pic on my IG!
Good point from this is I feel healthier since I make my own meal. It is related to my next resolution…..

Healthier and have a proportional weight
Last year I often not going office because of sick excuse, you named it; diarrhea, cough, influenza, and fever. I had it once a month. Besides, I am overweight due to my bad habit eating. I liked eating unhealthy fried street food (you know it’s so yummy). I seldom eating fruit also.

I don’t why I become to concern my ideal body weight. I think it is so related to my cooking hobby. It gives significant effects apparently. Glad to realize that. For this resolution I proudly claim ‘yes, mission is accomplished’.

Having new Electronic stuff
I wished for a wider television and advanced camera. That’s so fine to manage purchasing only one; television. I dint get new camera but I still have my old camera and lucky also my phone has a good enough resolution lens to capture picture.

Giving Mom a Present

I am dreaming to give my mom a present. I do not make it dream come true this year. Hopefully it will happen next year. What is it actually? Kinda mom’s stuff. I need you pray along with me to make it come true ya. Hehe. The better about this mommy talking is I visit her more than last year.

My etc resolution is about personal life. You know, life is about up and down but I thank God everything goes well this year.

Wrapped Up
Apparently my journey this year is not that bad. I don’t get what I want but God gave me what I really need more. There are very memorable and beautiful story behind of 30% accomplishment. For some I don’t make it happened I will try make it next year. Meanwhile for others I will replace with others better and of course realistic. Lesson learn I get about this planning and reviewing is about how focus and believe is really important when talking about targets. Ha!

Warm regards,


Lesson's Learn

Well this is a continue of my note this morning. The same topic, this is about shits happened around us, around me actually.

Last nite my best bro told me that he was being down cause of romantic relationship. Meanwhile my another best bro has shits related to his work, a pressure working actually. And the shocking one is my best sis when i was in Semarang told me her husband got cancer! What a shocking. I myself admit it i have another shits also, i am human bytheway.

However i feel today i got so many lessons since my journey by train until now.

At Tegal when i was transit, i met an old blind men. He took my view directly, i came to him, then he whispered me that he wanted to ask for money, he said in high moral language of Javanese. He taught me what my complain about life is nothing actually than his life. My life is much much much better than him.

Another one, during my bus trip from station reaching my home. I saw three old ladies at the same bus i took. I am touched seeing how skinny they are, i knew the got cold due to rain-I knew it from their wet dress and pale foot skin. One of them wearing a rain coat, she didn't care whether it was proper or not to wear it inside bus. When they wanted to stop, they then pick their heavy wet things. Oh God, in their old time they must not work as hard as that. I am crying here.

Then before going sleep, i watched kick Andy. The guests were some teachers coming from remote area of Indonesia. The shocking moment was that how low the salary they earn for that beautiful job. They gets only 50k rupiah each month. It slapped my mind, how come i complain my salary now. I should realize that once again i am much much better than them!!! I paid better than them. They must be very berry happy if they git as much as i get. Or even it is just half of my salary.

Today, ,, i thank God for today's experience. I learn much. I might not complain anymore. God is too kind for my life.

Warm regards,


Rawa Pening, Ambarawa

This has been already November you know. It means not more than two months we are saying good bye for 2014 and hello 2015. Well, do you remember about your resolution you made early year? Congratulation for those who almost accomplish or even succeed accomplished the missions. You are such a well-planned person. My missions have not been completed yet so far, and get the feeling that some of those can’t be reached by beginning of 2015. Poor me. The mission is about going travel. As I don’t want to feel more guilty of that condition, I made planed B that let me substitute the origin destination to be reachable one (cheaper and nearer, hehe). Thus there was me in Ambarawa couple weeks ago.

Now Ladies and Gents, I let you know about the one famous lake in Ambarawa, Rawa Pening.

Rawapening is located an hour driving from my hometown, Semarang. There is an interestingly story behind the lake tho, yess of course you can google it. Please search by the key word ‘Legenda Rawapening’ or ‘Baruklinting’. Oh ya, there is another name location refers to ‘Rawapening’. It is sometimes easier for us to find the lake by using ‘Bukit Cinta’ when asking direction to locals. It is just because the lake is part of tourism object named ‘Bukit Cinta’. Why is it named so? Hehehe. You can guess lah, in the ‘bukit’ or hills you can have a lovely time with your loved one on the ‘Bukit’.

This is the view from 'Bukit Cinta'.

We can rent those boats. Each is IDR 50K for about 30 mins exploring 'Rawapening'. Cheap enough as you can share it with 5 others passenger. On the boat we see how locals fishing, and def taking some photos of the beautiful scenery around.
I think the best time to visit is in the dusk, early morning and before sunset. It is going to be very magical I think in the dusk when fogs covering the surface of Rawapening. Fogs happened to be there since Rawapening is in the highland of the Java. Meanwhile in early morning, let us say, at 6 am, it is one best scenery when seeing sunrise over the water, just like while in the beach. And last but not least, who doesn’t like sun set view. Unfortunately I went there at noon, at lunch time, the time who responsible of my pale look everytime took a selfie.

if you like kinda water based tourism object, 'Rawapening' is so worth it to try. I rate 8/10 for amazing view, cheap ticket (under IDR 10K/person), and nice surrounding. The downside of the lake is unswimable! I just worry about snake or even crocodile across while swimming. lol.

Warm regards,


Being A Master of Ceremony? Hmm go for it! Here the Tips

I was so glad having chance to be a master ceremony on my friend’s occasion couple weeks ago, it was a book launching held in one of good hotel in Bekasi. Exciting for me because I haven’t been a mc for ages. I was curios to check how far my MC skill have gone.

In short, the show went well. Glad nuff but I didn’t think it was perfect because I did some mistakes that you know it might not happen. For example; I mentioned some names wrong. Another things are I didn’t recognize who the guess are; profession, why they attended, and even I don’t know the story of the book itself. Poor me. However for the show that I didn’t have any preparation enogh I rated 8/10.

Here, I am about remind myself (and yes, you are my reader) when asked to be a master ceremony. They are...
1. Find out the reason of the show. It is better if you manage to get the 5W+1H. The information is essential for me because it gives me material to talk more about. You know I am the master of the ceremony that it is a mandatory that I know more than the audience. Other than that you will look smart during the show.

2. Understand the rundown well. Make sure you know the arrangement of the show. Every single part of it. Make sure you know what the meaning of the activity because sometimes The Project Owner forgets to tell us about which part that have to be highlighted. Which one is a ‘main course’ which one is not. Find out who are the person in charge of each activity, include how to call the PIC itself. Those are very important for us to play the show, making it not boring and monotonous.

3. It is pretty important also for me to make sure the sound system going well. Believe it or not, the ambience of the show is influenced by the power of your voice magically.

That is enough I think. Seems less but gives huge effects. Others related to the costume is not too mandatory for you; the man. As long as you groom well, or at least you are neat, the show is close to be perfect if you get those prepping above. Well, the last prep for you is translating the information you managed to get from rundown and others details info into cue card. Then, cue card is your weapon to hit the show.

Warm rgds,


Bu Susi

I'll be straight to the point. oh wait. Let me say hello world to you :). Hope you are in very good condition welcoming November!

Well, here we go! You might ever heard about this lady lately; Ibu Susi! I don’t know well who Ibu Susi is. What I heard these days she is so phenomenal that everybody likes talking about her. Unfortunately the topic just like a cheesy gossip from national tv, felt hyperbolic and too much. Some of my friends on facebook like posting link to the news related to the Minister. Then last Saturday I watched television and it was for the first time I saw her on tv. (I talk about video of her). To be honest i am attracted to the way she talk, I consider she is such a cool mom!

Well, the news about her is about the lack education of hers for she is a just junior high graduated. She has tattoo. She smoke. A negative habbit for Indonesian, east culture owned.

Suddenly my mind hmm not! My heart actually whispered me out that I just see the example of hope, dream. She who is not even graduated of high school can be a minister, the position everybody cannot easily have the access to reach. It makes me recall my memories. I have so much dream to do. Once I dreamt to be a manager on bank. But shitt when the qualification says I must not came from literature faculty but I am. Once I wished to be a public relation or someone who skilled in communication or media but oh shitt happened again when I stuck with the opportunity only for who have PR or communication education certified or at least you holding communication bachelor. Another story is that I love cooking since when I was kid. I hope I can run my business in culinary or becoming a chef. Googling it, I found it was so expensive to enter for cooking class for a year. It costs more than I send my mom going Hajj in Mecca.

Hmm, despite of negative comment for her, seeing Ibu Susi give me a perspective. I can be anything I want. World give you barrier named education certificate, high cost, years of experiences, etc. Bu Susi realizes me I must believe in myself (and of course God also) I can be anything I want if I concer to my goal. Let me not focus on the term and condition applied by the people or institution. Show them who underestimate me. Just do my best and make my dreams come true. Sooner or later I am going to be the one who people have ever say it is impossible to be. Amen for that, for you too.

Warmd regards,


Snack Explore at Pasar Baroe, Jakarta

Well hello you again.
Oh it is such a boring opening by the way. Why it has to be 'hello' or something? But that’s oke lah. May I change it someday with something more dramatic and attractive. Just wait and see.

Bytheway, ladies and gentlemen here we are on the episode of exploring snack at Pasar Baroe, Jakarta.

Not everybody knows Pasar Baroe is part of touristic place in Jakarta. Located in the middle of Jakarta, I mean in Central Jakarta, not far away from Monas or Istana Merdeka which is a center of the town, make it easy to visit. Pssst, the free City tour buss operated by Jakarta Provincial Goverment also pass the address. Pasar Baroe as the meaning of its word is a market. You know there where buyer and seller meet and greet; hehehehehe then they negotiate, make a deal, and (hope) they are happy and satisfied eventually. Originally Pasar Baroe actually is just like a typical market in Java. You must have been to visit any kind of 'pasar' right? Yess, you can imagine the place then. There are many store building meanwhile informal seller complete the atmosphere. But please do not imagine it is kind of typical wet market. No, PasarBaroe is more modern and neat than that.

Entering the area, we will pass the giant gate as if we are in China. No wonders, the store arounds are owned by chinese. In the meantime, Pasar Baroe is also located in part of China town. On the left and right we walk down the street we can meet various store and seller. You name it; music, sport, fashion, house ware, kitchen set, anything. However, the most interesting pat of that journey was the various kind of traditional snack sold there. Ladies (and gents) Here my review of the snack i was lucky to try

Pisang Coklat
You are craving for the thick caramelized piscok aka pisang coklat? Here you can satisfy your desire. Please eat as many as you want for the price is so affordable.
You can get 4 piscoks just only for 10K IDR. The good news is the stall sell not only the one which is banana inside but you can also choose others, either jack fruit or black sticky rice. I do respect to the quality of the ingredient; the sweet tender banana harmonized with chocolate caramel covered by slender yet crispy layer. Once you bite it, you are about definitely scream without open your mouth. Hmmmmm!!!

Kerupuk Mie
You may remember when you were just an elementary kids who loved standing in line for snack made of tapioca powder, yellow circle, and poured some tasty peanut sauce? Oh man, you can fly onto the moment. Do not hesitate, please enjoy the tasty crispy kerupuk mie.
The snack is so good in taste. Original. I mean it suits with my expectation what kerupuk mie has to be. For that good quality, it was surprising for me to know the price. Each (just like singapoeran says) is only IDR 3K. Even though it has low price for me, one is enough because others snack is waiting.

After tried some delish snacks it is time looking for something fresh liquid to let it pass through the throat. Take a look around to find a stall provides fresh cold drink. Yeah I found one which sell several drink served with ice such as coconut, avocado,exotic liang tea, orange and even kedondong (Indonesian), long long (sin cia poo) or spondias dulcis (latin).
I ordered kedondong. It cost 8K IDR for a glass. When I sip, hmmmm it was so nice. Not too sour as I imagine but it mixed with smooth of sweetness perefectly. It was totally not only refreshing but automatically washing your tongue too. So that we are ready to the next stop.

Kue Ape
Kue Ape is sold together with kinda 'kue cubit' (aw!) and 'jala'. Kue ape in my opinion is like serabi. So i considered the one as serabi because In Indonesia itself there are many variant of serabi. The name has the same case too. One region name it srabi, other surabi. Serabi here is kinda one which is tiny thing as the core yet so crispy, thin, and brittle around. You must be careful to touch it then handle it because it is look alike your heart: Brittle! The price, if I am not mistaken, is 1,5K IDR each. So cheap, isn’t it?

I didn’t try the kue jala and kue cubit because I was getting full at the moment. Without a doubt they might be as good as serabi. Oh yeah I have not reviewed serabi yet. for the clean of the stall, the friendly of the seller, the affordable price, and the quality of serabi itself I rate it 9/10.

Es Potong

You can satisfy your dream of fun childhoodness here. Es potong is everywhere which cost only 3K IDR. Mine is the favorite avocado.

Before i end this mouthwatering story here i give you some fruits as source of vitamin. At least vitamins for your eyes.

Enuff yess for the review of the snack of Pasar Baroe. I am going to continue next time. But, for for sure the snack and food offered over there are so worth it to try. Do not worry about the quality of the food. If you bit worry because of the low price take it for granted. Be grateful for it! As I pay attention to the condtion of the area, the seller and the food itself, make my worried about the bad things (you know what I mean if you are Jakartans) in food is gone. I recommend you come and have fun at Pasar Baroe.

Warm regards,